February 10, 2010

The Evolution of the Stupid Person

Back when I was younger, way younger, I really had a serious dislike for stupid people. I know, I know, this sounds like a terrible thing to say. I learned in a hurry that expressing my dislike for stupid people was, well, not a good idea. It would seem that some people I came across thought I was an extremely negative, pessimistic person. Not so, I say. Honestly, it was never a negative connotation, simply just a statement of fact. By no means did I ever go about my business thinking that I was smarter than other people. It was just one of those things that seemed to constantly come up and annoy me. I suppose you are wondering what I mean by “stupid”? This term was used to describe people who, although they appear to have their mental wits about them, make a concentrated effort to not use the grey matter that is carefully lodged behind their eyes. You know these people: they are the ones that will take 30 minutes explaining to you how to do something when it would take them less than a minute to do it themselves; or who will call you and ask a question because they are just too darn lazy to find the answer themselves; or people who like to remind you how educated they are but are apparently to “smart” to listen to simple instructions and then require you to explain these instructions over and over and over. (Don’t even get me started on what it looks like when these people attempt to drive and try to do another task at the same time! Like eating or heaven forbid, using the radio.) I am most certainly not talking about the stupid stuff we all do, like leave your bank card in the machine after withdrawing money or leaving your coffee cup on the top of your car and then drive off. I am no stranger to pulling a stupid maneuver, as I so eloquently point out, often. I am strictly talking about people who do something and leave you to think to yourself “honestly, could you really be that stupid?” Sometimes followed by “Where did you get your degree, a Cracker Jack Box?” What I have noticed about this group is that, as I get older, they seem to be multiplying - or perhaps I am just a little less tolerant?

I have now learned to squelch my verbal dislike for this special group of people. I suppose it really is discrimination on my part. I have decided to take the high road on this one. I am now choosing to look at these people as ‘entertainment’. They truly amuse me. I have even decided to start a list entitled: Top 10 Stupid People of the Week. Yes, week. It’s that bad. (OK, what the hell did you expect, daisy's? The Blog is titled: The Sarcastic Side. That's just who I am. I have dealt with it, so should you!)