Just checked the half marathon website. It informed me that we will be running in 123 days. Holy crap. Better find my runners.
I am going to email the race officials with a couple of notes, observations, recommendations. First issue: Please state very clearly on all registration documentation that if you are planning to WALK during the half marathon and you have registered as a super fast runner, you better be having a freaking heart attack or some other similar medical emergency. These people are duly holding the rest of us up. Not to mention that when they STOP suddenly they create a domino effect and subsequently make fifty or so other runners behind them have to slam on the brakes! I suggest hiring race officals to fine people if they register under an inappropriate running level and then decide to go for a stroll. Have the fine money go to charity if you have to. That or paint "walk only" lines along the race course, just like the slow lane on the highway (not that too many people know the rules around "slower traffic keep right" but that's another rant all together) At least if a slow lane is provided when the actual runners need a walk break we can just signal, and move in. Yours truly. Self Proclaimed Turtle Runner