February 3, 2010
Welcome Back To Elementary School
This week I had the bizarre pleasure of being plummeted right back to elementary school. Remember elementary school? When you were all young, stupid and did not have a care in the world. Your biggest worry was getting home on time to catch the afternoon cartoon line up. Oh the bliss. Um, except the catty elementary school bitches. No vending machines. The same teacher for every single subject and most of all the teachers pets who would do ANYTHING to get on the teachers good side. (I know there is a more appropriate, modern term for "teachers pet" but I was trying not to use words like "ass kisser". Wanted to keep this story readable by all ages. Screw it. There are some words that just need to be used to explain more thoroughly the point you are trying to get across. That and I just now realize that there is a swear word six sentences in. It's caution to the wind now. Reader beware.) Back to the funny, unfortunate story. It seems there are still people out there, who no matter how professional they like to appear to be, are still just big ole tattle tailers! Yup, I said it. Tattle tailer! Tattler! (Ok, really I told a friend this little story, with a tiny bit more detail and her word was Fucktard. I politely asked her not to use inappropriate curse words. The situation really lended itself to the addition of immature in front. Immature Fucktard. That's better.) So at first glance one could be a little pissed about said tattleing and the resulting ass kissing but then I took a better look at the situation. Oh my goodness. I have not had someone tattle on me for at least a decade or so (ok, maybe add a bit more time to that) and when I realized the extent of the immaturity it was all I could do not to fall into an insane hysterical state of laughter (good thing I was alone). I mean really, how grown up would that conversation had to have been. I wonder if it sounded like whining? Or maybe it was delivered in a mature, na na na na boo boo kinda way. Oh, where did it all go wrong. I am definitely going to ask that Recess be added to my contract. Why not? If I have to go that far back in through some age maturity filter than I certainly want to be compensated as such. Ha. My dad can beat up your dad!