April 9, 2015

When Companies Don't Stand Behind Their Shit

I apologize for the profanity in the title.  There is no other way to put it.  I think it is a serious disgrace nowadays that companies do not stand behind their products and/or the work they do on those products once the damn things break.  Case in point - My Lemon - The cute little car I bought brand spanking new off the lot of the Seedy Car Dealership (No, it was not a back ally, buy car for no money down car lot, it was a reputable, very large car dealer who will now be forever referred to as Seedy!).  Ok, yes the Lemon is eleven years old now but so much has gone wrong with the damn thing I should have just sold it a LONG time ago.  The writing was on the wall when the speedometer kicked the bucket less than seven years after its birth.  That wasn't even the beginning but up until that point was the most expensive of all the "repairs" this damn thing has needed.  So I spent the thousands of dollars for the dealerships extremely over priced mechanics to fix the speedometer only to have the damn thing start to malfunction AGAIN.  I am sure you can already figure out the next chapter in this story?  When I call, the helpful Mechanic at the dealership tells me to drive directly to the Service Department next time the speedo malfunctions so they can see it when it is not working.  So two months later I do just that only to have the Chick Working in the Service Department look at me like I was bloody crazy but humored me anyway and got a mechanic (only after she promptly informed me that, of course, the warranty on the parts they put in the Lemon is for only one year.)  Mechanic (who seemed appropriately sympathetic) checked it out briefly and talked to his "Service Manager" who then informed me that they just install the parts they don't actually guarantee the damn things will work once they charge people a million dollars to put them in!  He tells me I need to call the Head Office of the Dealership.  I already know where this is going but as an exercise in my patience I make the call anyway and was informed that I need to have the car diagnosed by the dealership (read - pay a ton of money for them to find out the speedometer that they installed is faulty) and only then would Head Office decide if they will cover the cost of fixing the part, AGAIN.  Doesn't help that the Woman I talk to at Head Office says "Wow, I have never heard of two speedometers going in one car."  Really?  But yet you don't feel obligated to maybe stand by the last speedometer you installed?  Huh.  To me it's just a big corporate bag of bullshit that they do to rob us of our hard earned dollars.

AND ironically I missed a call the very next day asking how my service was?  Can you effing believe it?  They did say in the message that they would be also sending me an on-line survey (from Head Office no less) and they would appreciate me marking "yes" to the excellent service question.  I cannot wait for the survey to come!  So excited to tell them that they suck, their service sucks and I will never buy their brand of car again!  BRING IT ON!