January 30, 2010
Blogging Oddity?
Well, since I am the princess of all that is efficient and organized in the world and all the items in my day timer have been completed (meaning: all tv shows are repeats), I got this great idea to find other cool Blogs out there in the cyber world. Well it was like I slipped into some kind of bizarre reality world that shocked me. No it was not what you expect. It wasn't all dirty and nasty as I scrolled though blog after blog. It was riddled with people posting pictures of their kids and every SINGLE damn thing their kids do! Right down to what they ate that day, potty pictures etc. Um have you people not heard of those bad people who surf the internet? Ugggg. Watch Dateline or 20/20 once in a while ladies. I'm even leery of posting pictures of my cats on the internet just in case some crazy cat-o-phile hunts me down and steals my furry entertainment! Well, after scrolling through blog after blog of people posting their "family" stuff I suddenly realized that the second favourite blog topic is infertility. Talk about ironic. One half of the population posts their pain and suffering about not being able to conceive and the other half rubs their noses in it by posting a second by second picturelog of their kids every move. Yikes. I have to tell you honestly that there seems to be a whack of those short people who think they know everything in the house I live in but they are really NOT that amusing. And definitely not amusing enough for me to want to follow them around, take pictures of everything they do and then spend time posting them on line with cute little stories about what said kid is doing in each picture. I have better things to do with my time. Like watch tv and write stories. Not only that, once they hit that age where they are all long limbed and bad hair they really lose their appeal. Could you imagine how thoroughly embarrassing it would be to have your mother post pictures of you during some of your firsts: Johnny's first chin hair, Johnny's first "oopps, that was supposed to just be gas", Johnny's first gushy zit. Ewww. I'm going back to good old Google searching up the people and shows I love: like Michael Buble (have I mentioned him already?) and the cast of Weeds, Rent a Goalie (Cake in particular), Rescue Me (gotta love ole Tommy Gavin) and all the other shows that fill up my daytimer and make it impossible for me to work out.