July 28, 2011


This week Scrappy and I decided to get us and the boys together to hang out, so to speak. So after we had successfully "lost" the children we settled in for a good gab session. During our recent road trip we had a little running joke with some fellow chicks about people who interrupt conversations with bizarre, completely off topic comments. We likened this to the dog who is sitting there happily looking at you awaiting instructions with rapt attention then - bam - SQUIRREL! The dog and his attention are clearly gone. Now I am sure at this point in the story you would like me to tell you this is clearly a genetic, gender thing but alas I have a really good friend who happens to be a chick and also happens to have this Squirrel Disorder as well, so no, not a gender thing. Anyway, Scrappy and I are chatting away - actually, at this point in the story I am chatting. Or completely overtaking the whole conversation as it may, and I see her look off behind me. A LOT. I continue on - cause really what could it be? She does not interrupt. No, just keeps looking off behind me and she is starting to get a little squirmy in her seat. I stop talking. It's all she could do to not get all shouty and call out "SQUIRREL".

Funniest thing ever. It was an actual squirrel. Two feet away.

Now if there was ever a time to interrupt........