This could very well be my last completely sober moment for the next couple of days (already spiked my morning coffee) so I want to wish you all a Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and all the other holiday wishes that are politically correct. Since I have a firm rule about blogging or emailing under the influence of Christmas Cheer (or any other cheer for that matter) I gotta get it done now (oh you have to know the reason why will be coming in a story very soon - once the embarrassment wears off and I begin to see the situation(s) in a funny, entertaining light).
Thank you to all of you with your amazing comments, pokes of encouragement and funny stories. Keep checking the blog - just when you least expect it....I will totally embellish your words and post them for all to see!
On to a new year and new possibilities. 2010 is going to rock! Seriously.