December 3, 2009

Simple Girls Mac Lipstick

Ok really. I understand the need for Blistex and those type of products to NOT make a lip balm that works for more than 2 minutes because it is really fiscally irresponsible to create a product that works for a long time, hence not needing as much of that product and then us not purchasing the product on a regular basis. Can’t someone invent a lip balm that lasts? Maybe if it did not taste like Tuttie Fruitie we would stop eating it! Make it taste like dirt, maybe we will leave it alone.

So if I must admit, this whole lip balm addiction is not a new one. Nothing like the new Blackberry addiction. Oh no, nothing like that. This addiction is bad (I think) or good. Or under the category “could be worse?”. I know I am not the only one out there. Some of you just hide it better than I do. Is it unhealthy to want silky smooth lips? I don’t think so. I mean come on, who wants to see someone with yucky, flakey chapped lips. How seriously unattractive. Gives me the shudders just thinking about it. Oh wait. There is something else yuckier: a moderately attractive man lathering on the Blistex right in front of people. Ewww. I have actually seen that. Not pretty. Come on ladies, you ever kissed a guy with lip pieces flaking off? Dude I ate lunch! Ok, I should have written this BEFORE lunch.

Still, it’s winter time and the lips are crying out for help (or in my case whining for Blistex Triple Tropical Fruit Smoothies – see what I mean – its like having desert – all day!) What did they do back in the day? Wonder if I need therapy? Will Google “Lip Balm Addiction” later. Or not.