December 11, 2009

Winter Fat

I have always been a firm believer in our relation to the bear species (stop laughing). As I reminded a friend just today (who coincidently asked me to attend her kids SWIMMING party – what the hell she was thinking I don’t know). I am in the process of putting on my winter fat. How can we not! I feel obligated to bake stuff, it being Christmas time and all, and I do have to try the stuff before it leaves the house. (Actually the last batch we will officially call the Sample Batch. It did not even leave the house!) I think we should all try to make an active effort to not have Santa feel so bad during this giving time of year. I’m currently sporting a fine looking roll that would put any junior Santa in training to shame. Back to the bears: So why not, right after all the Christmas broo haa haa, we hunker down and do a little hibernating? I could do with a two or three month “napping” period. Isn’t that why they invented the internet? So we don’t have to leave the house? It’s like a mandatory rest period. We would certainly NOT have to order any groceries on line – what with all the winter fat we will be sporting. Just take the eat out of this equation: eat, sleep, read, sleep, watch tv, read, sleep, surf internet, sleep. I had to take drink out of that one because I think at this point we are all ready for a little rehab anyway. Get the liver all dressed and ready for the summer season. Oh, just had a horrible thought. Better put this ditty in the rules: The kids are still required to go to school during this time (dodged a bullet there). We, being old and all, paid our dues and deserve this sabbatical. They, being young and mostly stupid, must continue to learn. Crap, whose going to teach them with all the teachers during the Rehab Hibernation Period? Ah.... back to the internet.