December 31, 2009

The Resolution

So I have been thinking all day about the "Resolution" thing and this is what I have come up with: I am not going to, again, set myself up to fail. I mean why go there? This year is going to be different. This resolution is going to set the standards soooo low that I will have no choice but to succeed. Actually wait a minute, I am going to resolve to fail miserably at this. Here it is: In 2010 I plan to commit myself to eating everything in sight, drinking copious amounts of alcohol, NOT exercising AT ALL, and spending quality time watching myself grow (I am going to love french fries again and just you say something while I am cramming them in my face!). This way when I totally mess up my stupid resolution and eat a salad and finally get my running partner to commit to me again I will be clear. I won't feel bad at all. It will be the same crap different year. You all know how it goes: I am going to eat right, exercise, love everyone, be nice, let that jerk on his cell phone merge into my lane and smile at the cow at work who would throw you under the bus the second she gets a chance.

I will get back to you all on the success and failure of this endeavour. Right now I am being pressured to participate in the New Years celebration stuff with my adopted family. Yes, it involves cheer. Yee ha. Love it.

December 27, 2009

Oh So Merry Christmas To Me!

Got me that dream laptop! Woo freaking hoo! Love it! Get ready....
(Now to pay it off.......)

December 24, 2009

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas Etc.

This could very well be my last completely sober moment for the next couple of days (already spiked my morning coffee) so I want to wish you all a Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and all the other holiday wishes that are politically correct. Since I have a firm rule about blogging or emailing under the influence of Christmas Cheer (or any other cheer for that matter) I gotta get it done now (oh you have to know the reason why will be coming in a story very soon - once the embarrassment wears off and I begin to see the situation(s) in a funny, entertaining light).

Thank you to all of you with your amazing comments, pokes of encouragement and funny stories. Keep checking the blog - just when you least expect it....I will totally embellish your words and post them for all to see!

On to a new year and new possibilities. 2010 is going to rock! Seriously.

December 22, 2009

Even the Cat is Suffering from Sarcasm! Look!

Don't ya just wonder what he has on his mind right now?

December 21, 2009

Sleep = Work?

Currently looking for a sleep study so I can earn money AND sleep at the same time. Wait.... I might be on to something: Is there such thing as an eat study? Let's research the eating habits of a extremely tired person (two months sounds like a perfect study time to me!)hmmmmm

December 18, 2009

The Bag

I mean the Coach kind, not the Bag at the grocery store or the Bag at work who snarls at you every day when you walk by her desk unless she needs something from you (of course then Ms. Snarly Face is all smiles and sweetness). I’m talking about the obsession a few of us have with the accessory commonly known as: The Purse (who made up that name?) A friend of mine was trying to put her Christmas Party Outfit together and asked me if she could accessorize her outfit with my Red Purse. Absolutely. What’s more Christmasy than red? I went home immediately (my manager must have thought there was some family emergency, as I was at work) and pulled the Red Purse from its appointed area in the Purse Closet. Hmmmm. This is not Christmas red. It is more like Fall Pretty Leaf Red. I simply cannot send a friend out to a Christmas party with the inappropriate color of red hanging off her arm. Oh no.

As luck would have it my friends birthday just happened to be the Monday following this big event. So the mission began: Must find perfect red purse for friend’s birthday. Should be easy…… she seems to adore all of the purses I have sported over the years. I will just go out and buy a red bag that I absolutely LOVE and can’t live without. I interject with: oh ho ho right here (Christmas mood exclamation). So many facets of trouble coming I should have just handed over Fall Pretty Leaf Red Bag and bought the chick some wine.

First problem (I should have anticipated this): it had to be the right red, right size, right texture and (with my Kraft Dinner budget) the right price. Second problem: time. I only have a few days to find this needle in a hay stack. I go to the mall (instinctual gravitation) and go to every single store that has or might carry bags (even some stores that I would normally walk by and scoff at). I am filled with anxiety. Buying a bag is like interviewing for a new best friend. It is going to be there with you all the time, it must be ready and available to help you find stuff and if it’s a really great bag (friend) it will make you look fabulous. This is not going to be easy. As I am leaving the mall I see a red bag up high on a shelf in another one of those stores I would never go into. What the heck, it’s worth a try. The shape seems right. I walk in and the saleslady, who just happens to be young enough to be my daughter, says “Can I help you?” In the meantime I have walked over to the wall that has the elusive bag and see that the color sucks so I tell the Ten Year Old, “No thank you, just looking for the red purse”. Ms. Just Got Out Of High School Yesterday decides to correct my grammer and says: “You mean A red purse.” (at this point I stop walking out of the store and look at her) “No, I say, THE red purse” (seriously honey you work in retail – you don’t love accessories like pets?) I shake my head and continue on, stunned.

Day Two – after hours of internet research and another stupid mall I am starting to think this is hopeless. I start to devise Plan B.

Day Three – I find a beautiful red bag that screams “take me home and love me forever” and I would have if the damn thing were not a million dollars. I briefly consider selling my car to buy it but change my mind. Keep looking. That will now become Plan B.

Day Four – I realize that I am not going to get anywhere with this search unless I leave the country. I love you Canada but the Bag Hub of the Universe is not here. I cross the border and refrain from telling the border guy that I am not leaving his country until I find The Red Bag (fearing being denied entry or another “you mean A red bag” comment.) Groceries it is buddy! First store I hit and I find two beautiful red friends – now to choose just one. That’s easy. Put them both on my arms and ask the Wipper Snapper to pick the best one (sorry to ruin the story at this point – I had to bring two family members with me, mostly because I would choose to spend all the grocery money on everything OTHER than groceries!) He carefully picks the most appropriate bag (the kid has amazing taste) and I smile for the rest of the trip. Even when I have to see hard earned money going to food and dream of the boots that I could have purchased with that money instead.

I get home and put the purse on my dresser. After two days I am starting to develop a relationship with it so I wrap the sucker and give it to my friend early. She is so happy with the newest member of her Accessory Family that she takes a picture of it and makes it her Facebook picture (mostly to make other people jealous). Darn if I don’t have to see that bag every time I see my friend and wish I had bought two.

Future note: If you are going to buy something for a friend that you covet, save enough money to buy two and bring yours out six months later. Then you can use a lame excuse like “No way, really, it’s the same bag! I had no idea. Well I loved how it looked when I bought it for you and I loved how it looked yesterday when I bought it for me. Crazy coincidence.” (I’m sure they’ll by it?)

December 17, 2009

If I Ruled The World - Part 1

This is just the beginning of a rant like no others, hence the Part 1. In my world, there will be only "Enhanced" clothing. You have seen it out there already. Jeans with tummy control, tops with extra stretchy stuff in the middle to help you suck it in. Do I even need to mention Spanx? Why the heck do you think they used to wear girdles back in the day? Not to mention those great big ole skirts. It was simply to do what we want to now: suck in the tummy and let the junk be free to sway. My world clothing is all that and more! Every single article produced will suck in, tighten, firm up, and make you feel fabulous. Ok, some of us will not be able to breath but look at it this way, your yoga pants will feel magical when you get home! Heck, even the yoga pants will be comfortably enhanced in some way (just in case you have unexpected guests). Forget this dieting crap. Just wear the stuff that shows your good stuff not the fluff. Just think, you will put on your tushy and tummy control thong (or grannies depending on the day); matching "look 20 again", lift em up bra; tummy, breast enhancing top; and the hip, thigh, stomach, tushy AND ankle control pants or jeans and you will radiate self-esteem and get in touch with your inner "oh yah". You will never have to worry about looking good in your stuff again! Just make sure your shoes are outstanding and your bag is it and your good to go.

Oh, there will be a Buyer Caution on the packages ladies. Do not under any circumstances let your significant other actually see you naked. It will blow your cover. He will think you have lost 10 pounds all the while watching you stuff that chicken wing in like a football tailgater. He will never know as long as you don't give it up.

Bathing suits are a completely different story. Sadly, unless the brilliant genius behind the Spanx empire gets involved, bathing suits are a hopeless cause. I think that Cellulite Reduction Lighting will need to be installed at all pools. Beaches - I don't know. How about unless you are freaking perfect, you just stay away from the beach? Sand sucks anyway.

December 16, 2009

Merry Christmas???? I think not.

Ya had to know I was not going to leave this one alone. It just took me a bit to post because I had to calm down. This little ditty starts with a call from the Old Boy to me at work (a couple of weeks ago, yes it took that long) breaking the news that his entire shift of workmates were coming to our house before they head off to the nearest drinking establishment for their Christmas “thing”. Hmmmm. Well, those of you who know me well could just imagine my next reaction. I laughed. Seriously. Then I said “better get in your truck and hussle your ass home to clean up the place before they all arrive”. (That comment was mostly said because I had a funny feeling Mr. Party-Time was sitting in a room full of men making the call to his “little woman” and he was manning up a bit.) Man up all right. I am tempted to leave embarrassing items around the house and then have to take the kids out grocery shopping or for shots at the doctor or something. See how he likes that.

Those people mentioned above who know me well probably have already thought to themselves: crazy chick most likely ran home and cleaned up the house. Yes, you know it. They may be a batch of barbarians but I certainly don’t need them to have to walk over the three feet high cat hair tumbleweeds in the hallway on the way to the bathroom with unidentified substances on the toilet and teenager toothpaste globs everywhere (why oh why can’t they get the toothpaste down the drain?).

So, on my drive home I wonder do I get beer? Will they stay longer if I do? Going to have to have a discussion with the old fella about this obvious lack of warning! Does he not know that us women need more than six hours notice before having people over? I mean really, how am I going to lose 10 pounds and get my hair colored in six hours! This is bordering on an emergency. In my crazy head I think: Can I get all the decorations out of the crawl space and up in two hours? Strike that. Not even Martha Stewart could pull that off. I’m now wishing I still had my maid of honor dress from a friends wedding from about a hundred years ago – remember TEAL? I would totally put that sucker on and make a grand entrance (yes, I am back to thoughts of embarrassing him in front of “the men” – these are truly happy thoughts that reduce my stress).

Here’s the skinny: Pick up a kid at school, tell him his dad invited everyone over to our house and I will not be able to feed or tend to any of his needs until I have cleaned the house, so figure it out on your own. I then proceed to run around the house like a crazy mad women for two solid hours. Clean, hide stuff in closets, do my hair to the best of my ability, tell the cats to stop shedding or I will put them in a kennel, forever. After what seemed like eight hours, I’m done! Pour myself a tiny (figure of speech) glass of wine to congratulate myself for a job well done (then realize that I have not seen the youngest child for quite some time and I better make sure he is not repainting his room with felt pen or using hockey tape to tape the cats tail to his back legs.) Phone rings – don’t panic, I am expecting the call. This is the conversation I am expecting: “Hey, just on my way home. I will pick up beer. Everyone should be there in an hour or so”. That was NOT the call I got. This is how it went: “Hey, we all had to ‘work’ late and we are just going to head right to the drinking establishment. I’m just gonna run in and change and then head out.” I am pretty sure all I could get out was: “Huh. Ok.” I hang up the phone and look around. What just happened? Oh dear. Sooooo I walk around the now clean house and think up new, amazing ways to punish the Old Boy. To add insult to injury the man comes home, changes and gets ME to drive him to his “party”. I’m pretty sure he made certain his credit card was locked away before he left. After I put the starving, youngest child to bed, I sit in front of the tv, drink whats left of the bottle of wine, admire my super fast cleaning abilities and realize something truly amazing: I am sitting here by myself with my new friend Jackson Triggs (yes, I realize that's a contradiction) watching tv, reading a book during the commercials in a clean house and no one is there to bug me. Does it get any better than this?

(Just an aside: not sure still if Mr. Party realized the house was clean but for a few days following that evening he would open cupboards and closet doors and I would hear him say “what the heck is this doing in here?” Well, what does he expect?)

December 11, 2009

Winter Fat

I have always been a firm believer in our relation to the bear species (stop laughing). As I reminded a friend just today (who coincidently asked me to attend her kids SWIMMING party – what the hell she was thinking I don’t know). I am in the process of putting on my winter fat. How can we not! I feel obligated to bake stuff, it being Christmas time and all, and I do have to try the stuff before it leaves the house. (Actually the last batch we will officially call the Sample Batch. It did not even leave the house!) I think we should all try to make an active effort to not have Santa feel so bad during this giving time of year. I’m currently sporting a fine looking roll that would put any junior Santa in training to shame. Back to the bears: So why not, right after all the Christmas broo haa haa, we hunker down and do a little hibernating? I could do with a two or three month “napping” period. Isn’t that why they invented the internet? So we don’t have to leave the house? It’s like a mandatory rest period. We would certainly NOT have to order any groceries on line – what with all the winter fat we will be sporting. Just take the eat out of this equation: eat, sleep, read, sleep, watch tv, read, sleep, surf internet, sleep. I had to take drink out of that one because I think at this point we are all ready for a little rehab anyway. Get the liver all dressed and ready for the summer season. Oh, just had a horrible thought. Better put this ditty in the rules: The kids are still required to go to school during this time (dodged a bullet there). We, being old and all, paid our dues and deserve this sabbatical. They, being young and mostly stupid, must continue to learn. Crap, whose going to teach them with all the teachers during the Rehab Hibernation Period? Ah.... back to the internet.

December 8, 2009

Question for ya all to ponder today: Exactly how old do you have to be before you get the pleasure of tossing your cookies whenever you want and no one asks if you are pregnant?

December 4, 2009

Speaking Without Thinking

This summer we loaded up the truck and all went to our friends place for a week. (For anonymity purposes, we will call this place Tim Buck Too. Anyplace in Canada without a Tim Horton's is officially under the United Republic of Buck Too!) What follows is one of those blunders we all make ladies. You know it. It shall be called: "Speaking Without Thinking". Let me set the stage: its dark out and the four of us proceed outside (meaning the only four left out of the 9 of us who have any common sense. Although now in hindsite I question this.) We make sure the crazies are locked up in the house in various forms and we set up four lawn chairs in the front lawn to bask in the glow of the un-smogged up stars and quite peacefulness of our friends fabulous neighbours (who at this point I have to mention are all dead. Nope, not drive by dead, but seriously, they are all dead. The neighbours are currently residing in a very long term care home. Yup, a cemetery.) Back to me: I, in my glow of finally getting away from the Hormone Fest and "Dude, let's play Spiderman", sit in my appointed lawn chair and proceed to my happy place. At this point it's just three out of the four of us sitting in our lawn chair row as the fourth member is off running with the wild deer trying to over feed the poor suckers so they get fat and end up being laughed at by the deer in the next town over. (Better then being laughed at by the town "cougar" - and I mean cougar in the literal sense, not some old, hot chick). So I sit with my fellow man (really, a couple of guys - sometimes I am serious!) and proceed to tell my friend's husband that I love his wife. Cricket, Cricket (those are the noises that happen after I profess my love). I will admit at this point in the story that yes, you guessed it, I had had a couple of drinks and was in the "I LOVE YOU MAN" stage of alcoholism. You know it, it's that stage you go to in between: "I am just having one drink" and "You wanna argue that, cause I am way smarta than you!" (Please keep in mind that no matter how much liquid courage I have, I always only say what I really mean. I usually think first. Not so much in this case or I would have worded it a bit different.) I then proceed to try to explain myself in the most unsuccessful manner ever. I would like to think that if I had said that same thing and my audience was a couple of chicks, they would have gotten it. Right? No further explanation needed. Well the dudes look at me like I have made some life changing decision and have decided to play for the other team. (Not that there is anything wrong with that.) I think my friend's husband said something prolific like: Huh? He normally is a pretty witty dude. I must have thrown him off his game. Anyway, I try to explain myself in the most non-lesbian like manner possible. I try to point out to Mr. Huh that his wife is the most quirky, amazing person I have ever met and her enthusiasm for all things deer (oh, and shopping and boots and purses and dogs and oh you get it....) is so cool. No one I know is quite like her. She is contagious and passionate. Blank look still forthcoming from Mr. Huh and his co-hort. Uggg. Dug myself into a hole here. At this point they are BOTH staring at me like I am completely crazy. (Hey, just found out how to get a man's attention!) I look at those blank, empty eyed, had one to many beer faces and realize that they have most likely not heard a word I have said. They are both thinking about the two of us rolling around naked in a pit of (and I would like to say jello for the awesome effect here but alas that will not be the case!) beer and chicken wings! I continue with the "no really, ummm....." yes, I have lost them. They have gone to the other side. The three of us find a more neutral topic, like bad drivers, traffic or something mundane and all is well in Testosterone Town. Shortly thereafter my quirky deer loving friend bounces back all a glow because she saw a baby deer, a couple of neighbours dogs, a cat in the field, deer jumping, deer pooping, deer eating, oh another dog ("is it a stray? should I bring it home and let it sleep on my bed?") her current obsession: Twin deer Sparkle and Shimmer (yup, see what I mean by quirky, she names them!) Ah whatever, I think to myself. Men just don't get it.

December 3, 2009

Simple Girls Mac Lipstick

Ok really. I understand the need for Blistex and those type of products to NOT make a lip balm that works for more than 2 minutes because it is really fiscally irresponsible to create a product that works for a long time, hence not needing as much of that product and then us not purchasing the product on a regular basis. Can’t someone invent a lip balm that lasts? Maybe if it did not taste like Tuttie Fruitie we would stop eating it! Make it taste like dirt, maybe we will leave it alone.

So if I must admit, this whole lip balm addiction is not a new one. Nothing like the new Blackberry addiction. Oh no, nothing like that. This addiction is bad (I think) or good. Or under the category “could be worse?”. I know I am not the only one out there. Some of you just hide it better than I do. Is it unhealthy to want silky smooth lips? I don’t think so. I mean come on, who wants to see someone with yucky, flakey chapped lips. How seriously unattractive. Gives me the shudders just thinking about it. Oh wait. There is something else yuckier: a moderately attractive man lathering on the Blistex right in front of people. Ewww. I have actually seen that. Not pretty. Come on ladies, you ever kissed a guy with lip pieces flaking off? Dude I ate lunch! Ok, I should have written this BEFORE lunch.

Still, it’s winter time and the lips are crying out for help (or in my case whining for Blistex Triple Tropical Fruit Smoothies – see what I mean – its like having desert – all day!) What did they do back in the day? Wonder if I need therapy? Will Google “Lip Balm Addiction” later. Or not.

November 10, 2009

The Bathing Suit and Cellulite Reduction Lighting

I do have to tell you that I got a couple of hours to myself on Sunday and thought it may be an appropriate time to look for a bathing suit. This is big…… the story AND my ass. I have no kids to rush me so I am ready, willing and able to try on anything. Sad really. I go through Sears and they have all the summer stuff 50 to 75 % off. Yippeee. I can mix and match tops and bottoms. Small top – big bottom. Excellent. Shopping trip success already!

Ya, not so much. Do you think I could find two pieces that match? No way. I did find a couple but oh no, they were not for me. Whats with the lights in those changing rooms. Do I really look that fat in real life? What the hell happened to my body? Depression is starting to kick in – and its early.

So I leave. Whatever, Sears has cheap crap anyway. I want a magic bathing suit. You know, the kind they put in all the magazines when they have the “Best Suit for Your Body Type” articles. Can’t get those at Sears.

The Mall has a new bathing suit place so I go in. Depression gets deeper upon walking in. Yes, they have the cutest Hurley and Billabong suits but I am afraid that the sizes available would not fit a 8 year old child. I pretend I am in the “girls” section and move on to the old lady stuff. That is what it has come to. I finally find one tankini set that looks ok. However, tankini sets have always been an issue with me and the long, monkey body I inherited from some primitive in my family tree (ha ha tree – very ironic) I give the suit a shot. The lighting in the bathing suit store is better, it is the new Hyrdo approved cellulite reduction lighting I am going to install in my bathroom next week. The lighting great, the suit not so great. Can’t they make tankini tops for long people? Needless to say the top and the bottom don’t meet and I am faced with some kinda ick that I will not gross you out with. I rummage through the purse for antidepressants. Damn. Don’t have any. I leave. I don’t even look for another suit to try on. I hit a few other stores looking for something, anything I could be comfortable in for a day at the waterslides or the beach. NOTHING.

I go to Walmart. No, I did not look at the suits there. I buy a new mascara.

Want to know what my mom said when I told her last week I was looking for a new suit? What’s wrong with the ones you have? Well, mom – remember when I was a kid and could not wear any of those one piece ugly pantsuits or overalls that were big back in the day? That’s what is wrong with my suits! The top of the bottoms does not reach to bottom of the top, therefore nullifying the tankini, hide your stomach effect. Ohhhh, she says. “Well, why don’t you just sew some lace on the bottom of the top so they meet up” (I put that in quotes because that is truly, honestly exactly what she said! OH MY GOD! Where do I start with that. Who is this woman? Certainly NOT my mother!) So I tell her. “First of all I am trying to COVER my stomach not have a peekabo show with the fat. Secondly, I am about 30 years to old to have lace on the bottom of anything I wear. And thirdly, WHAT the heck are you thinking! When was the last time you saw a bathing suit with lace sewn on the bottom of it?”

My mom is crazy. However, I have replayed this little conversation we had over in my head and it makes me laugh. A LOT. I might just take one of my old suits, buy some pink lace, sew it on and take a picture with me wearing it for my mom. Of course I will put pig tails in my hair for the full effect.

Whew, thanks for letting me off load that story. I have not told anyone yet. I’m not to sure how many people would get the humor in the lacy tankini!

Your depressed friend

October 1, 2009

Blog Blots

This blog started for a number of reasons: The first is the overwhelming need to spit out the creative "stuff" that has been floating around inside my head. Somewhere along the journey I lost my outlet. If not a blog, then I will be forced to fly to Chicago and beg Oprah and Gail for a writing position in O Magazine. THAT is not likely to happen but hey…. A girl can dream! The second reason is as real as it gets…. A friend told me a while back that it was all she could do to NOT mass forward an email I had sent her about Bathing Suit Shopping (three words that strike fear in all women!) to every chick she knew. Yup, it was real and it WAS funny. Even I laughed when I read it back to myself. I am aware that being funny, sarcastic and opinionated does not a writer make but its a start. As it stands I edit the life out of everything I write now. Most of the time the Sarcastic Side will appeal to every woman (and sometimes the men who raise one eyebrow at them) and if the stories don’t ring familiar in your life it will definitely give you an opportunity to laugh with others, if not just me.

Some of these tales have indeed happened to me and some, I am happy to say have happened to others. Usually friends, whose names will remain secret until the day I pass on OR someone offers chocolate. Which ever comes first. In all cases names will be changed to protect those unsuspecting friends from any undue embarrassment and from their husbands wondering “holy crap, was that my wife?” I love you all and I love your stories. Just remember, if you see something that happened to you painfully embellished on this blog it was written out of love. Mostly for the love of sarcasm and humor and because you were nuts enough to share!

I am fortunate to have amazing, brilliant ladies in my life whose wisdom I steal and words I use and call my own. Be strong ladies, keep having fun and remember at the end of every crappy day is a wonderful, sensitive martini who loves you just the same!

I suppose to satisfy the curiosity, the first shall be what has now become titled: The Bathing Suit and Cellulite Reduction Lighting - See bottom post

September 1, 2009

Book Reviews - Archive - Oct 2009, Confessions of a Serial Dater & Wimpy Kid Book 1

Book review started with a comment to a dear friend "my dream career is to be able to read books all day!" After reading every book on her shelf, I then got OMG what did you think of that one? How about this one? Well, when you read as many books as I do..... sometimes the stories blend. I decided to keep a blog of my personal book reviews for those times when you look at a book and wonder "did I read this already?" That and one can never be sure if memory loss is going to become a close personal friend any time soon. Actually if memory loss does kick in it will make book reading cheap - I can just re-read the same book over again and it will be a new book every time!

Review - AKA My Opinion - Just finished the first Wimpy Kid book this morning (yes with the boy, no I was not reading it to myself or the cat - really!) This book is a keeper! Thank goodness I ordered the whole set because I would have been driving out to look for the next book in the series - today! Seriously, if you are looking for a Christmas present for your kid, boy or girl, this is it! Totally hilarious!

Confessions of a Serial Dater - Michelle Cunnah - Cute book, easy read, quite predictable. That's all I got. On to other things....

Book Review - Archive - Dec 22, 2009 - Bitter is the New Black (1st and 2nd review), The Art of Racing in The Rain

(Ok.... I'm slacking. Yes I'm still reading like a crazy fool. Just forgetting to update. Will become more disciplined. Gotta get a laptop!)

What I am reading now: Bitter is the New Black - Jen Lancaster (see Pre-Review below) AND Diary of a Wimpy Kid Rodrick Rules Book 2 - Jeff Kinney

Review - AKA My Opinion - Bitter is the New Black – Jen Lancaster (seriously Bambi what took you so long to find this gem? And no that is not your Stripper Name) I have not even finished this book yet and all I can think of is we gotta go on a girls road trip and buy this lady a drink. I’m pretty sure the author is my twin, tragically separated from me at birth. The author, like myself, should both be infinitely grateful that not too many people can read minds! Do you have any idea how often I have a running commentary in my head that involves immature bla bla bla and a litany of curse words while having to listen to someone blither on about a something I really don’t care that much about? (this is happening more and more as I get on in age.) Although I do admit, this Ms. Lancaster is way wittier, wordy and worldly than I am. I gotta get out more. Review to follow. (Then I will probably go to Chapters, buy the rest of her books and me and Bambi will be going on a road trip to Chicago to stalk said author. What is the American equivalent to Tim Hortons? I don’t know if I could do a road trip without Tims? Better get a bunch of thermoses. Hey Bambi, ask a fella that you know if we can bring copious amounts of coffee across the border. Hey.... wait a minute. Isn't Oprah in Chicago?)

(Bambi – I will find a better name for you that does not sound so trite. I wanted you to sound famous and let me tell ya, there are not too many famous deer out there. Wait a minute: are reindeer from the "deer" family? Do Prancer or Vixen sounds a little less stage name?)

What I am reading next: The Art of Racing in the Rain - Garth Stein


Review - AKA My Opinion - Well I finished the book (and the next one as well. That review to follow). Honestly, Bitter is the New Black is the bomb. The author, Jen Lancaster, is amazing and I WILL be buying her other books. I even felt compelled to write her a letter thanking her for turning the tides on witty sarcasm and honest thoughts (will not send it though – enough people think I am crazy, I don’t need to go international!) If you need a good laugh read this book. Seriously. (Just one line of many in the book I LOVED: "The idiot at Walsh Park who thought it was a good idea to bring her toddler in the gated dog run and then got mad when dogs (OK, Maisy) jumped on the child. IT'S A DOGGIE PARK-WHAT THE FUCK TO YOU EXPECT THE DOGS TO DO? PLAY GIN RUMMY?"

The Art of Racing in the Rain – jumped right from bitter to sad. I loved this book. Truly brilliant. I stayed up till all hours of the morning to finish it and then tried my best to be a functional human the next day. Quite unsuccessfully. I will never look at a dog the same again. My next cat will be named Enzo after the hero in this book!