January 6, 2010

Like the New Colors or Colours, whatever your fancy.

Yup, you guessed it. Without alcohol and the tv show I would normally be singing along with this evening (stupid REPEATS), I decided to change the layout on my blog to include my favourite (or favorite) colour: red.

Why do Canadians always like to add more letters in their words than necessary? Come on people, its bad enough our kids have reduced sentences to three letter, do we need to keep adding u's in everything. I am a huge fan of the word: Check - like the thing that is a piece of paper with potential of having money attached to it AND a fancy little mark that means you did it right! While we are at it, lets get rid of apostrophies. They are meaningless and have always caused me some angst. (Probably should have taken my bookstore gift certificate and bought myself a fancy dictonary so I don't have to check Word to see if I spell a word right - apostrophy or is it apostrophe. I say, doesn't matter how you spell it, it's a stupid word. Oh, I guess I would then have to spell out does not and it is - crap.)

You might have noticed that I have TWO followers now. No, it is not a coincidence that I have TWO cats. I told you they don't have access to the internet. A dear, sweet friend heard my plea and immediately added herself as a follower. Martini to follow my dear - after the wagon crash (you did not think I would do this "clean up the liver challenge" forever did you?)