Recently a dear, sweet friend emailed me to tell me how exciting her Friday was turning out to be. She was way excited about winning a fabulous manicure package at a local spa on the radio! She listens to this particular radio station every morning and something took over her brain and she decided to call in during the morning shows Question of the Day. What was the question? What's the weirdest thing you have in your closet? Hmmmm. I thought to myself. What could it be? All kind of twisted, sinister things pop into my head. Guess what her winning answer was? Her mother's urn. Well. That's um weird I suppose (I currently have the un-urned remains of the old boys poppa in my china cabinet - is that weird too?) Well it really was not the funniest part of the story. You see my friends mom is alive and kicking (thank you very much!) Yup, her mother bought the urn, gave it to her dear daughter about 10 years ago and my pal has been moving the sucker around from new home to new home, from closet to closet for all these years (and most likely many more!) Sister, your mom brings organization to a whole new level, all be it a little creepy. That or the chick has some serious control issues and does not trust you to pick out the most fashionable urn. You know what? This story has inspired me! I have decided that the kid that pisses me off the most over the next ten years or so will receive my urn to pack around with them and keep until I kick it. Oh and I have a lot of crap to do before I walk the big walk, let me tell ya! (mostly think it will totally creep out any future wife that comes into the picture therefore effectively ruling out any buttbag with no sense of humour who decides to hook up with one of the "boys". Ha ha bitches!)
My friends day......awesome. Her mom's obsessive compulsiveness has spooked her for years, but all that urn packing and moving paid off. Her toes.....beautiful. Thanks mom!
(PS - Dude, you should have fought fire with fire and totally put flowers in that sucker and put it in the most prominent place in your house when mom came over. I betcha 10 years later the old bird would have said "Goodness, what a lovely vase!" Jokes on you mom.)