January 21, 2010

Would you like a donut with that?

Who hasn’t made a little location error every once and a while when going through a drive thru? You know: driving over the odd curb, bumping the car in front of you while getting your change, driving too far away from the window and having to get out of your car to hand over your money and get your order? Well, I have committed a brand new offence and I have no excuses. I was not up all night at the casino winning at blackjack. I was not at the pub telling people my opinion. Nope, nothing. Can’t even say I was tired. I actually pulled up to one of the extremely convenient garbage cans and tried to place my order! In my defense this particular Tim’s was littered with garbage cans (irony). It was like the yellow brick road of garbage cans…….. I got so exhausted from the mere act of cleaning out my car and taking advantage of every single garbage receptacle that by the time I ran out of junk in the car I certainly MUST have come to the little speaker that politely asks “pick your poison?” This would have just been a funny little story I kept to myself but alas there was a passenger and if I don’t start spilling the story soon you know its going to come out even worse for me. I’m pretty sure this trumps the time I drove past all the garbage cans AND the talky speaker thing right up to the pick-up window and tried to place my order. You should have seen the look I got from the chick behind the window! I thought she was going to call the National Guard right there on the spot. Seriously, do I look like i'm gonna rob the joint? (Although there have been times I have had a nearly homicidal need for coffee). I don’t know what came over me that time. Maybe because there was not a car in sight and I was so excited to be at the front of the line I freaked out and went right to the prize? I can’t really say but you can bet there was a little extra love in the cup of coffee I got that day.