August 27, 2013

Summer 2013 Reading List

After a recent lunch date with a really good friend it occurred to me that my super old, long outdated reading list is just that – old.  I have been on a reading frenzy lately and have had a few friends express their desire to know what I am reading and if I would bother recommending the book(s) to them.  So I give you my first ever reading list.  Mostly from the past two months but I had to throw two in the mix that I read a while ago (because they were awesome and I would love for everyone to read them).  Please, please, please email me if you have a book I need to read.  I am running out of books and I am number 210 on the waiting list at the library for a book referred to me by a friend.  If that isn't sad, then I don't know what is!  This list will as well help me later on when I buy an e-book and think it sounds familiar.  I will have an "already read that you idiot" list.  Win, win!  So I give you the:
Summer 2013 Reading List
The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry – Rachel Joyce
This is one of the ones I read some time ago.  You gotta read this.  If your looking for one of Oprah's "Ah Ha" moments, this one will definitely deliver.  This baby is a keeper.
Wild – Cheryl Strayed

This book was the inspiration behind my birthday Grind Climb.
Great book even if dumb ideas ensue.

Gone Girl – Gillian Flynn
I have recommended this book already to a couple of people.
The ending is NOT my fault.  I didn't write the thing!
In spite of the ending, I still loved the twists and turns of this one. 
Not what you might expect.
Under the Dome – Stephen King

I had stop reading Stephen King books a long time ago. They were just getting a bit to “horror show” for me.  I decided to read this one for two reasons.  The first is that it couldn’t be that bad if they went to the trouble to make a tv series out of it and second, I was in Starbucks and overheard the barista saying how much she loved the book and couldn’t put it down.  Since it was in the pile of books I borrowed from my sister, I thought why not?  I was not all that disappointed (mind you there were times in the million page book where I did think – “come on dude, enough already with the damn dome.  Let’s get that sucker down and see what happens with the characters next.”)  I also have to admit that I may have been a bit disappointed with the ending.  The best part for me however, was thinking about the psychological mess all his characters were going though and what I would do in the situations he brought forth (liquor store and or pharmacy robbery were among the top four things in my plan).
Mr. Penumbra’s 24 Hour Book Store – Robin Sloan
I am not sure if this book made my "must read" list because the central location was a mysterious bookstore or because the characters were super quirky.  I did not want this one to end and would recommend to anyone looking for a fun read. 
Life After Life – Kate Atkinson
  This book confused the heck out of me at first, then I felt like I had more questions than answers for the longest time.  It definitely kept me reading and was the result of a few conversations that were very thought provoking.  Gotta love that!
A Tale For Time Being – Ruth Ozeki

I loved this book because it was well written and set in a real town very close to where I live, which is pretty cool in itself.  This was another one that I would have changed the ending but hey, who am I to say. 
Maya’s Notebook – Isabel Allendale
 This book was a true gem and a captivating read.  Interesting characters with a little humor.  Definitely a nice change from the serious everyday.
The Book of Negros
Seriously, I cannot believe it took me this long to read this book.  I could not put it down.  This one wins the most captivating character award.  Everyone should read this book.  They might even want to consider it for high school English classes.  I'm just sayin.

The Bungalow – Sarah Jio

I add this one to the list only because I am reading it now and, although I do not like love stories, AT ALL, I have not been able to put this book down I am saving the last 20 or so pages because I don't want it to end.

I am the only one watching commercials?

Ya, just call this a rant – There are commercials running right now for a clothing line that has a nice snappy tune and a bunch of models dancing happily throughout (I won’t mention any names here but the line is a guy name and also a cuppa – you’ll figure it out).  I am not sure if I am the only who has noticed this but did they get all the models from an eating disorder clinic?  There is the fact that almost all the clothing is horizontally striped and we all know that only about one percent of the entire population nowadays can actually wear horizontal stripes.  Either the clothing company is going to figure out their mistake real fast when the winter stock is still sitting on the shelves next summer OR there is going to be a whole ton of women walking around looking like they cut a dress out of their bed sheets!  I am sure someone questioned the intelligence of the clothing line when they hired the size two and size zero models and put those nasty referee looking dresses on them and they all looked HUGE!  After firing all the size zero “fatties” they must have had to go on a nation wide search for the skinniest, hungriest looking girls ever!  Poor things, they all look like they need a good sandwich.  Really, I am not against super skinny, no carb eating ladies.  What the problem here is somewhere out there a girl who is a perfectly beautiful size five (don’t some of us wish!) who is going to go to that store, try on one of those super cute, super slim fitting dresses and she is going to look in the mirror and cry.  If she happens to be with someone who knows the “law of horizontal stripes” then she may come out unscathed.  If not, I fear, she may figure she needs to diet to look like the clothing clad sticks in the commercial.  Lesson to be shared: we owe it to the world to ban horizontal stripes (and white shoes and pants – but that’s a personal thing) and I don’t me just us ladies – ever seen a dude in a striped shirt?  Need I say more?

August 14, 2013

How did it go? Really?

Grouse Grind successfully finished!  I suppose just getting to the top is an accomplishment in itself.  No air ambulance needed to be summoned, although I did think about calling them a couple of times.  I do have to admit that the only thing that kept me going throughout the climb was not my desire to accomplish something that an untrained, fatty like me could do or for some "inner" feeling of sorts.  No.  What kept me climbing up that damn mountain was two fold: first, you can't go down.  Down apparently is "prohibited".  Seriously.  I am not making that up.  Second, was that fact that there was a woman on the trail with (and I am sooo not making this up either) jeans, a blouse (yes, a blouse), a purse AND Croc type shoes climbing the mountain at the same time!  When I saw her I was astonished that someone would even attempt to climb the Grind in jeans (can you say chafing?) and all be damned if someone in Crocs was going to beat me up the mountain!  Not bloody likely.  So I suppose I should thank her for giving me the wherewithal to get my sorry ass moving (that and I was receiving a constant stream of texts from the money suckers who practically ran up the trail ahead of me and were hungry.  I am so going to leave that alone for right now!)  Anyway, I started out the adventure with gusto and determination.  In no less than 15 minutes I was considering getting my mental health checked by a professional.  Here is my Grind in a picture nutshell:
Here we go!  At the bottom pumped up and ready to go.

At this point the crazy children type people I have brought with me are long, long gone.  Up the mountain like a couple of bloody goats.  Goats I tell ya.

I did repeat one select word over and over and over in my head.  I will leave you with your imagination on that one!

I would have darn well cried if there were not so many people around.
"What the hell was I thinking" was also going through my head.  Often.

And to conclude:

August 3, 2013

Inquiring minds want to know... or so it seems??

I was asked the other day how my Grouse Grind "training" was going.  Well, I am happy to report that the back pain is gone and I am full on into the working out I promised myself I was going to do to prepare. Yes, I have ridden my stationary bike AT LEAST three times in the last month!  How that is going to help me climb a mountain is WAY beyond me but it has to be better than just sitting around growing.  Although my trusty Blackberry has been sending me daily reminders that the climb is coming, I have made the conscious effort to mentally prepare myself as well.  It's called DEE-NILE.  Some of us are better at it than others.  In this case I am the zen master of the denial train, which has served me well so far, until I stand at the base of the mountain the morning of the big climb with thoughts of grandeur about getting my fat ass to the top.  Maybe if one of the money suckers runs up the hill ahead of me with a bottle of wine and a chocolate bar I will be more motivated to get to the top.  Huh.  There's a thought.  I may or may not report back my success (I would put "or failure" here but failure is not an option unless an air ambulance needs to be called - which is extremely likely).